Saturday, February 25, 2012

2nd Line in the House

On Wed, Feb 15th, I decided to work at home a little (as in, check my email & update my company's facebook page - really hard work) and take a half a sick day.  My pulse was still high and I was still feeling shaky & nervous inside.  I wondered if I overdid it yesterday at work with all that Valentine partying with 32 kiddos.  Rather than risk it, I decided to stay home and catch up on mundane things like laundry and television.  I felt weird taking sick time because I wasn't sick and in bed, but oh well.  My laundry, and therefore my Hubby, thanked me.

Late morning, I got a phone call from my Doc's office letting me know that my Progesterone level came back at 25 and anything over 20 was good. I told the nurse I was still feeling funny and now I was running a 99.2 fever.  Once she ruled out that I was not infected at the injection sites, she told me to go off of Metformin because they think my sugar is getting too low.  That kind of shocked me because that's a drug you normally have to ween yourself on and off of, but OK.  No more Metformin.  I just hope my sugar doesn't go completely out of whack and I don't blow up like a balloon put on a few pounds!

At 1pm, I was upstairs doing laundry and I really had to pee.  I thought that I might as well POAS, since I had so many.  (At work, to give away through our Food Pantry and Clothing Bank, we got a huge shipment of pregnancy tests from a store because they used a razor blade to open the case and they sliced open all the individual pregnancy test packages.  Things this store cannot sell because of damage, they give to us, which is pretty cool.  In this instance, it was very useful!  I bet we got 200 of them.  And my staff, being awesome, each smuggled several into my office before this last round of IVF.  So, I'm not kidding when I say I had at least a dozen tests).  I figured it was worth a shot since I was now 5dp5dt with our one little frozen embryo.  And this is what I got...

I had to actually put this test next to the one I took the night before just to make sure there really was a faint line there.  Hubby, later, inverted the pic for me just to prove there was a line there.

Ladies, I think there's a 2nd line in the house!


  1. Hooray! Sending many prayers your way!

  2. Praying for u!!! Hoping for the best!!!

  3. Ack!!!! You did it!!!! At that is early so it means you've got a tough little bean who's got intentions of hanging in tight!!!! I got my first BFP the same day (well 6dp4dt) and ended up with an awesome strong beta. Sooooo excited for you!!!

  4. Ps that was ten days ago, where are your daily tests??? I want to see them!

  5. Ah yeah! Congrats! Hoping for a great beta!

  6. Woohoo!!!! I have been hoping so very much that this would work for you!!!

  7. So excited for you! Fingers and toes crossed for a beautiful beta and a sticky bean! Wishing you all the best as always!

  8. Looks like a line to me. Congrats...wishing you the best.

  9. This is great news! Here's to that line getting darker!

  10. Congrats! Can't wait to hear an update! This has been a good month for IF bloggers!

  11. Oh wow, I can definitely see it even without the inversion! Congrats! Lots of happy sticky positive vibes!

  12. Excellent news! Congratulations! I can't wait to read more about your experience in the months to come.

  13. FANTASTIC! Yay. Happy Happy Ecstatic dance over here for you!

  14. wooohooo!!!!!! praying for a sticky bean for you!!!! :D
