Monday, May 30, 2011

4dp5dt - No News

Saturday, May 28th was 4 days past our 5-day transfer.  I slept till 10am and then hurried to the bathroom to pee.  Yes, I tested.  No, it was not positive.  I wasn't surprised, so you shouldn't be either.  No pity party here. 4 days past transfer is still way early.  I mean, I know I've read about some of you very fortunate ladies who have gotten faint lines this early, but I'm not counting on it.  I've been straight-down-the-line average the entire process - from depth of uterus, number of eggs produced, days on stims, etc., so I don't expect stellar above average results with a home preg test.  I didn't have any "symptoms" today either - cramping, etc.  Surprisingly, I didn't really think about it either! Go me!

It was a pretty tame day.  I cleaned the kitchen and found my counter and sink.  I didn't know we had that many dishes!  I took a bath, ate, and watched a lot of TV.  We had a couple friends come over to hang out for a little bit that night.  All in all, a very tame day for Hubby and me.  I'm not sure I'm going to know what to do with myself when I have to go back to work on Tuesday!  I could get used to this!

1 comment:

  1. 4dp is still really early, you are right! Fingers crossed for you!
